How to Create a Bootable USB Flash drive for Open Educational Resource OS (OER OS) Using Etcher

Open Educational Resource OS (OER OS)

Key Advantages:

-Portable and can be installed in your flashdrive
-Can also be installed in a computer
-Can also run in a single board computer like Raspberry Pi or ODroid
-Can be installed to old computers
-Can be installed in Virtual Machines
-Secure and Virus Free
-Free to use and no update cost
-Software updates are free
-Open Source Linux based
-Pack with tons of free softwares for Educational Purposes
-Can run/install windows and linux apps
-Perfect for teaching computer programming
-LightWieght in CPU and Memory usage

What's inside?

-Pre-installed with lots of Free Educational App and Tools
-Development Tools for teaching computer programming
-Productivity Tools for Teaching Empowerment Tech. and Media Information Literacy
-Office Tools
-Apps for teaching Math and Science
-Tools for Teaching Electronics and Robotics
-Educational Games for K-12
and More...

[Sample List of Apps Installed]

Educational Apps:
-Scilab - Scientific Software Package for numerical Computations
-Scilab Advance -  Scientific Software Package for numerical Computations 
-Scilab CLI -
-Artikulate - Pronunciation Trainer 
-Blinken - Memory Enhancement Game
-Cantor - Mathematical Software
-Educational Suite
-GNOME Predict
-GNU Octave - Scientific Computing
-DrMIPS- Educational MIPS Simulator
-GvRng - Robotics
-JClic- Multimedia Educational Activities
-JClic Author - Tool to Create and Modify JClic Projetcs
-KAlgebra - Math Expresion Solver and Plotter
-Kalzium - Periodic Table
-Kanagram -  Letter Order Game
-KBruch - Fractions games and Activities
-KDE Marble - Learning Maps
-KGeography - Geography Learning Tool
-Kig - Geometric Constructions
-Kitten - Study Tools
-KLetters - Learn Alphabet
-KmPlot - Function Plotter
-KStars- Planetarium
-KTouch - Typing Tutor
-KTurtle- Educational Programming IDE
-Open Universe
-Parley - Help you Memorize
-pySioGame - Collection of Educational Apps
-PySyCachce - Teach Kids to move the mouse
-PysyCachce Admin - 
-Ralational - Learn and Experiment Relational Algebra
-Rocs - Graph Theory Tool for Teachers and Students
-StarPlot Star Chart Viewer
-Stellarium - 
-Step - Physics Experiment Simulator
-Tux Math
-tux Typing - Educational Typing Tutor
-Number physics
-2048-Qt- Number game
-Atomix - Puzzle Games about Atom and Molecules
-Gamine - Educational Games Collections
-gBrainy - Games about Logic, Verbal, Calculation and Memory
-Quiz Creator

Programming Apps:
-Lazarus IDE
-KDevelop IDE
-Eclipse IDE
-NeatBeans IDE
-Scratch IDE - Programming System & ContentDevelopment Tool
-Scratux IDE - Programming IDE for Interactive stories, games, and animations
-Bluefish IDE
-Sonic Pi
-KTurtle - Educational Programming IDE
-Little Wizard - Computer Programming for Children
-Laby - Learn how to program with ants and Spider for Kids

Electronics Apps:
-Arduino IDE

Multimedia Apps:
-Ex Falso
-Pure Data
-Quod Libet
-HD Screen Recorder
-VLC Player

Graphics Apps:
-Document Viewer
-Image Magick
-XSane Image Scanning Program
-Xaos - Fractal Zoomer

Office Apps:
-WPS Writter
-WPS Presentation
-WPS Spreadsheets
-LibreOffice Writter (Microsoft Word)
-LibreOffice Impress (PowerPoint)
-LibreOffice Calc (Excel)
-LibreOffice Base (Database)
-LibreOffice Draw (Paint)
-LibreOffice Math

Internet Apps: 
-Google Chromium Browser
-Firefox Browser
-UGet - File Downloader
-FileZilla Client

Accessories Apps:
-Password Manager
-Task manager
-File Manger
-Sensor Viewer
-App Manager
-Printer Server
-File Sharing Server

PLUS MOST of your Windows Apps can be Installed.



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